Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/131

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day once you get the rabbits accustomed to being fed at that time.

It takes but little to "throw them off feed" and generally it is lack of regularity that does the trick. And another point should be noted in this connection. Once you find a ration that suits your pocketbook and the rabbits, hesitate a long time before you change it and then do it very gradually. A sudden change of feed will react in the development of the rabbit.

It takes but a little time to care for them, when it is done regularly. I find it most convenient to clean out the hutches each morning before breakfast. As soon as breakfast is prepared, I leave them and then when getting ready to go to work, give them the morning feeding. This takes only a very few minutes. For a small hutch of only four compartments one could easily do this work in five to ten minutes.

They will then require no more attention until evening. Of course, where there are