Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/143

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small family rabbitry with the necessary tonic. It is money well spent.

As for green food, it can be fed the adult rabbits with less likelihood of disastrous results than is true in the case of young stock.

It is better to consider the green food as merely an element in the ration. During the summer, I alternate the hay evenings with green clover, lettuce, chicory or dandelion leaves.

The dandelion makes an excellent breakfast for the rabbit on summer mornings and can take the place of the carrots which are given during the winter. Dandelions are an excellent kidney regulator and if your rabbits seem to be "off feed" or discharging "red" water, a feeding or two of dandelions will soon put them back in condition.

In feeding green food, however, some precautions must be observed. It must be fed fresh and must not be allowed to stand in a basket or pile for any length of time before feeding. It will heat and become sour and