Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/151

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But if it is at all possible, some milk should be given if only enough to soak up a few pieces of bread.

There are several milk mashes upon the market designed entirely for rabbit feeding and if you cannot have fresh milk in the ration, it would be a good idea to go to a feed store and buy this rabbit mash to feed at noon, or to mix in with your other mash and feed it at the morning feeding.

Use intelligence in handling your youngsters. The feeding of market animals is something that requires a great deal of study and thought. You will find men spending their lives trying to solve the problem successfully. Watch the costs and try to feed as cheap a ration as possible, but at the same time do not sacrifice the elements necessary for the proper development of the stock. You are producing meat to eat and you want to do it efficiently. That is never done by cheating the animal you are feeding.