Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/228

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fine and mix it in; add a teaspoonful each of mace, cloves and black pepper and salt. Thin slices of bacon should be placed on top and cover with a lid made of plain paste of flour and water. Set the jar in a pan containing water and bake in slow oven. It can be kept from burning by placing a greased paper over the paste. No water should be put on the meat. When done, set away to cool, then pound the pieces of the rabbit, bacon and veal into a paste, mix in gravy from the bottom when boiled almost dry. More seasoning should be added, if necessary. Press solid into small cups or jugs covering top with melted butter and set away in a cool place.

Spanish Rabbit

Take one large onion, one chili pepper and four medium sized tomatoes and slice in a stew pan and bring to a boil. The rabbit should be cut into pieces and put in as soon as it boils; add one teaspoonful of salt and enough hot water to cover. When done thicken with flour and add butter the size of an egg.