Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/236

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before giving thought to this matter and it does not occur to them until they are desperately in need of more room. Others, and they are to be blessed, are agitated by the problem long before they commence to build the first hutch.

One should have a market in mind before commencing the production of anything, else production will be a pure waste.

There are a number of ways in which to sell breeding stock. Generally, it will be possible to sell all that you care to in your own community. I have found that about all people need to know is that you have some rabbits. Before long visitors will drop in to look at them and they will want to buy some. This is especially true if your back lot is close to a main traveled street where your hutches can be seen.

If you can put up a neat sign stating that visitors are welcome to visit your rabbitry so that it can easily be seen from the street, you will be surprised at the number of people who will come in to look at the rabbits.