Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/246

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merely containing a space for the name of the animal, the date of its birth, to whom sold, by whom, and the names of its sire and dam, grandsires and grandams. At least three generations are necessary before the animal can be registered and where it is possible to obtain more of a pedigree, so much the better.

The value of the pedigree is still greater if it contains some sort of a record of the performance of each individual such as show records or breeding records, but it is hard for one to obtain such a minute record from the average breeder. In other branches of live stock breeding you will find more careful records kept along this line.

In keeping an intelligent pedigree record it is necessary to give each rabbit in your breeding hutches a name or a number and to keep a record of the performance of each individual. There is such a demand for pedigrees at the present time that many breeders are merely "feeding the public" with pedigrees with high sounding names and passing off inferior stock. But where the rules of the National Associa-