Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/254

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Snuffles in rabbits is due originally to exposure to diseased rabbits, to draughts or dampness which give the animals a "cold." Unless checked, this soon runs into "snuffles," which is little less than tuberculosis.

Great progress has been made in the past two or three years in the study of this disease. Rabbit fanciers have realized that if the industry was to reach any permanent basis some means of dealing with the disease successfully would have to be perfected. As in every disorder, there is no cure like that of prevention, but it is not always possible for even the most careful breeder to escape this disease.

Within the last two or three years breeders have been experimenting with a serum inoculation for snuffles. This is based upon the same principles as serum inoculation for hog cholera or typhoid inoculation for human beings.

While the writer has not had any personal experience with the serum treatment, it would