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in the hands of the local school. These conditions, so common in American cities, are plainly against the general interest of the community. It may be that an arrangement can be made by which the Denver and Gross school will be handed over to the university, thus clearing the field of all obstacles to the upbuilding of a creditable school; for as Boulder is practically a suburb of Denver, the difficulties in the way of effective management at Denver are not insuperable. Whether the entire medical school shall be permanently concentrated at Denver or, following the Ann Arbor plan, a liberally supported hospital at Boulder be relied on to overcome the disadvantage of location in the matter of clinical material, need not be decided just now. The important steps to take at this moment comprise (1) passage of the constitutional amendment opening the clinical facilities of Denver to the state university, (2) more liberal state appropriations for the medical school, and (3) the consolidation of the Denver and Boulder schools as the medical department of the state university.[1]


Population, 1,054,366. Number of physicians, 1424. Ratio, 1:740.

Number of medical schools, 1.

NEW HAVEN: Population, 130,027.

Yale Medical School. Organized 1813. An organic part of Yale University.

Entrance requirement: Two years of college work, enforced with such unusual conscientiousness that in passing from the high school to the college standard this year, deficient members of last year's class were refused re-admission. Moreover, the advanced requirement has been actually exacted; out of an entering class of 23, one only is conditioned,—in part of biology. This is probably the lowest percentage of "conditions" that the country affords.

Attendance: 138; 72 per cent from Connecticut.

Teaching staff: 64, 14 being professors. Of these, the teachers in the fundamental branches devote full time to instruction, though they are overworked and without a proper force of assistants; in the clinical branches, the professor of medicine with two assistants is salaried. Small sums are also paid to a few other teachers in the clinical years.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees amounting to $15,325, income from endowment amounting to $10,000, university appropriation of $17,986, making annual budget $43,311.

Laboratory facilities: Well equipped student laboratories for organic chemistry,

  1. As this Report goes to press, announcement is made that a consolidation of the Denver and Gross School with the medical department of the state university has been arranged.