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District of Columbia

Population, 322,212. Number of physicians, 1231. Ratio, 1:262.
Number of medical schools 3, plus two postgraduate (Army and Navy Medical) schools.

WASHINGTON: Population, 327,044.

(1) George Washington University, Department of Medicine. Organized 1825. Now an integral department of the university.
Entrance requirement: Less than a four-year high school course.
Attendance: 117.
Teaching staff: 69 instructors, 25 being professors, none of whom is a full-time teacher; three instructors of other grade devote entire time to the school.
Reaources available for maintenance: The school budget calls for $28,779; its income in fees is $21,855; the hospital is self-supporting.
Laboratory facilities: The laboratories of physiology, pathology, chemistry, and anatomy are well equipped; the building is admirably kept, and there is evidence of independent activity on the part of the several instructors. Animals are provided; there is a fair library enjoying a small annual appropriation, and a small but attractive museum. Post-mortems are scarce.
Clinical facilities: The University Hospital and Dispensary, under complete control, adjoins the medical school; 56 beds are available for teaching purposes. The staff has been recently reorganized on modern lines in order to increase the scope of bedside work. Supplementary opportunities are furnished under the usual conditions by several other hospitals.

The dispensary has an annual attendance of something over 1000.

Date of visit: March, 1909.

(2) Georgetown Universtiy School of Medicine. Organized 1851. A university department in name only.
Entrance requirements: Less than a four-year high school course.
Attendance: 89.
Teaching staff: 74, of whom 20 are professors; no one gives whole time to the medical school, except the dean, who has the chair of hygiene and is treasurer of both medical and dental schools.
Resources available for maintenance: Fees only, amounting to $11,000 a year.
Laboratory facilities: The equipment consists of a good dissecting-room, a single