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tender their services gratis in order to "work up their business." The day school is affiliated with Loyola University.

Entrance requirement: Of the kind usual in Illinois commercial medical schools. A pre-medical class, running three hours each night, covers in one year the work of two high school years. A boy who is engaged all clay in trade can thus "finish" two years' English, Latin, and mathematics at night in a single session. It is probable that the pre-medical course will be lengthened to two such years, "equivalent" to an entire high school course according to the "Illinois idea."
Attendance: Reliance Medical College, 83; Illinois Medical College, 69.
Teaching staff: The night medical school (Reliance) has a faculty of 44, 23 being professors; the day branch (Illinois Medical) has a faculty of 78, 38 being professors.
Resources available for maintenance: Fees, amounting to $995 (Reliance, estimated); $9175 (Illinois, estimated).
Laboratory facilities: The equipment conforms to legal stipulations: there is a library, the beginnings of a museum, an ordinary dissecting-room, a small amount of apparatus for physiology, and fair laboratories, as things go, for chemistry, histology, pathology, and bacteriology. The laboratories are in good condition and are really used.
Clinical facilities. Day students: Some eight or ten hours weekly for junior and senior classes in scattered hospitals; work almost wholly surgical; one to two hours daily in the dispensary in the college building. Students see no contagious diseases; obstetrical work is all out-patient. Night students: About six hours weekly at the Cook County Hospital between 6.30 and 9.30 p.m., opportunities being limited to looking on at surgical work; dispensary, nightly. The night students see no children's diseases, no acute medical diseases at the bedside, no contagious diseases.

Dates of visits: April, 1909; December, 1909.

(10) National Medical University. A night school, organized in 1891 as "homeopathic," which word was subsequently dropped. Ostensibly the medical department of the "Chicago Night University," which claims departments of arts, law, dentistry, pharmacy, etc. The school appears to be owned by the "dean."
Entrance requirement: Entrance is on the same basis as in other night schools; a "preparatory department" is also in operation.
Attendance: 150. "Free transportation from Chicago to Vienna by way of New York, London, Paris," etc., is offered to any graduate who has for "three years or more paid regular fees in cash."
Teaching staff: 156.
Resources available for maintenance: Fees, amounting to $22,500 (estimated).