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of pathological material, an excellent refrigerator plant, and other features indicative of intelligent and conscientious effort.

Clinical facilities: The school adjoins a hospital of some 30 beds, of which 125 are available for amphitheater and ward clinics. The material is fairly abundant and varied; but students do not make laboratory examinations for the patients whom they see in the wards. A pavilion for contagious diseases is also accessible. Connected with the hospital is a large, thoroughly modern, and systematically conducted dispensary, in which laboratory work and physical examination are more closely connected.

Date of visit: October, 1909.

(4) College of Physicians and Surgeons. Organized 1882. An independent institution.

Entrance requirement: Vague.

Attendance: 172, called in the catalogue "matriculates and applicants."

Teaching staff: 30 professors and 15 lecturers.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees, amounting to $10,000 (estimated). A reduction of 20 per cent is made to students who pay in advance for the entire four years.

Laboratory facilities: These facilities are wretched: ill-lighted, dirty, and poorly equipped so-called laboratories are provided for anatomy, pathology, etc.

Clinical facilities: The clinical resources are dubious. The catalogue attempts to convey the idea (p. 21) that the school has the same opportunities as Harvard and Tufts; as a matter of fact, no member of the faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons has a staff appointment in the City Hospital, and teaching there is utterly impossible otherwise. The same is true of the wards of the Massachusetts General Hospital. At both institutions anyone, whether a student or not, may attend the public amphitheater clinics once weekly. But as these are freely open to the public and are of little or no value, they are hardly to be counted as teaching facilities. A limited attendance is required at a miserable dispensary, more than an hour's journey from the college building.

Date of visit: October, 1909.

CAMBRIDGE: Population, 102,982.

(5) Massachusetts College of Osteopathy. Established 1897. An independent institution.

Entrance requirement: Vague.

Attendance: 90.