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case in which can be used for purposes of instruction. A liberal policy has largely overcome the disadvantages of location in a small town; for the clinical material is in the departments of surgery, psychiatry, and various specialties, of sufficient amount; it is fair in medicine, increasing in obstetrics. The thoroughness and continuity with which the cases can be used to train the student in the technique of modern methods go far to offset defects due to limitations in their number and variety.

Date of visit: March, 1909.

(2) University of Michigan Homeopathic College. Organized 1875. organic department of the university.
Entrance requirement: A four-year high school education.
Attendance: 80, 38 per cent from Michigan.
Teaching staff: 26, of whom 15 are professors.
Resources available for maintenance: the school and its hospital are supported by state appropriations. Its budget is $16,400; that of its hospital, $31,000. The income in fees is $4515.
Laboratory facilities: The students receive their laboratory instruction in common with the students of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, despite the fact that there is a difference of two years of college work in their preparation.
Clinical facilities: The college has its own hospital of about 100 beds, where clinical instruction is given according to homeopathic principles.

Date of visit: March, 1909.

BATTLE CREEK: Population, 225,862.

(3) American Medical Missionary College. Organized 1895. An independent institution. A divided school, part of the work being given in Chicago, part at Battle Creek. No year is given entire at either place.
Entrance requirement: A four-year high school course or its equivalent. Christians only are admitted. The Chicago teachers are all practitioners; the Battle Creek teachers are connected with the Battle Creek Santarium as laboratory workers or physicians.
Attendance: 75.
Teaching staff: 31, of whom 22 are professors, 9 of other grade.
Resources available for maintenance: Income from endowment of $200,000 and fees.
Laboratory facilities: Anatomy is given in Chicago, where the student spends six weeks during each of the first three years and 30 weeks of the fourth year. The other laboratory courses are given at Battle Creek by the laboratory men and physicians connected with the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Indeed, the school and the