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Laboratory facilities: (Lincoln.) The department has the necessary laboratories, on the whole fairly equipped. The instructors are active men of modern training, eager to do research work. They are, however, in position to accomplish little in this direction for lack of space, proper assistance, and funds. The opportunities are nevertheless adequate for good routine undergraduate teaching. Animals are provided in abundance; there is a good library and a fair collection of necessary teaching adjuncts.

Clinical facilities: (Omaha.) The school has the privilege of the County Hospital for half the year, and staff privileges at the Methodist Hospital and several other institutions. These institutions are, of course, not equipped or conducted with regard to teaching. For example, the clinical pathologist of the school is not now a member of the staff of either institution; in consequence of which fact, the teaching of this important branch is isolated. Section visits are, however, arranged. There is little scientific intercourse or pedagogical interplay between the severed laboratory and clinical ends at Lincoln and Omaha respectively.

The dispensary has a fair attendance, but is not well organized.

Date of visit: April, 1909.

(2) Lincoln Medical College. Eclectic. Organized 1890. Nominally the medical department of Cotner University.

Entrance requirement: Nominal.

Attendance: 42, 77 per cent from Nebraska.

Teaching staff: 34, all of whom are professors.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees, amounting to $3794 (estimated).

Laboratory facilities: There are practically no laboratory facilities beyond a separate room set aside for dissecting and the meager chemical laboratory of Cotner University. Some little microscopical work may also be carried on at the latter institution.

Clinical facilities: There are no definite clinical opportunities, not even a dispensary.

Date of visit: April, 1909.


(3) John A. Creighton Medical College. Organized 1892. Integral part of Creighton University.

Entrance requirement: Less than a four-year high school education.

Attendance: 175.

Teaching staff: 49, 28 of whom are professors, 21 of other grade. One teacher devotes his entire time to medical instruction.