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There is a good and growing dispensary service connected with Fordham Hospital.

Date of visit: October, 1909.

(8) New York Medical College and Hospital for Women. Homeopathic. Organized 1868. An independent School.

Entrance requirement: Regents' Medical Student Certificate, equivalent to a four-year high school course.

Attendance: 24.

Teaching staff: 45, 23 being professors, 22 of other grade. No teacher devotes entire time to the school.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees, amounting to $2545.

Laboratory facilities: Attractive and well kept laboratories are provided for pathology, bacteriology, and histology together, chemistry and physiology and anatomy. The equipment is simple, but recent. There are a small library, a number of anatomical charts, and some normal and pathological preparations. Autopsy material is reported as scarce.

Clinical facilities: These consist of the hospital, occupying the same building and containing 35 available beds, most of the cases being surgical, and of the usual rotating services scattered among other hospitals, public and private. They do not include infectious diseases.

Most of the first floor of the school building is given over to a dispensary.

Date of visit: October, 1909.

(9) Eclectic Medical College. Organized 1865. An independent school.

Entrance requirement: Regents' Medical Student Certificate.

Attendance: 96, 84 per cent from New York state.

Teaching staff: 45, 16 being professors, 29 of other grade. No one devotes full time to teaching.

Resources available for maintenance: Mainly fees, amounting to $8311.

Laboratory facilities: The chemical laboratory, adequate for routine teaching, is active. Otherwise the facilities are weak: one room is used for bacteriology, histology, pathology, and clinical microscopy; this with the dissecting-room completes the laboratory outfit. There is no museum; but the school possesses a small collection of models, a materia medica cabinet, a stereopticon, and a fair-sized library, of which the books are mostly not recent.

Clinical facilities: There is no eclectic hospital. Twice weekly three students spend their entire afternoon at the Sydenham Hospital (80 free beds). There are some