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OHIO Population, 4,594,40. Number of physicians, 7838..Hatio, 1: 586. Number of medical schools, 8. CINCINNATI: PoFulatio, 555,108. (l) OHIO—MIAMI MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE UNIvERsI or CINCINATI. Organized by merger, 1909. An organic department of the univeity. Entrance requirement: A four-year high school educati9n or its equivalent.

Attendance: 197, 80 per cent from Ohio. Teaching staff: 116, of whom 50 are professors, 76 o( other grade. There are nine professors of medicine and nine professors of surgery (not including gynecology). There are three whole-time teacher Resources available for maintenance: Mainly fees, amounting to $16,$$5 (estimated). Laboratorlfacilitle.: The university has so recently ob, talned complete control that it is not fair to make an inventory of the situation i at this moment in a critical spirit. A modern outfit adequate to routine teachi'.ng has been already installed in pathology, bacteriology, and physiology. The s'.ubjects are taught by whole-time modern teachers. Chemistry, including physiological chemistry, is given at the university by whole-time instructors. Anatomy is yet unorganized. Clinical facilities: These are'likewise in a state of tran;.sition, not only because of the recent formation of the department, but further, lc..i anse the city has just begun the erection of a new hospital, whose exact relationi to the university remains to be determined. There is an apparent disposition to nake the relation close enough to be educationally effective. in that event, the uniyersity must on its side reorganize its clinical departments. The various schoo!s may have disappeared, but their professorial titles remain. There must be a sIngle professor of medicine, a single professor of surgery, etc., if the hospital facilities in prospect are to be deserved and properly utilized. The school dispensary awaits proper organization. Date of visit: December, 1909. (t) EcLECrrm MEDICAL ISTrr'TE. Chartered 18S5. A independent institution. Entrance requirement: For Ohio students, a four-yea high school education or its eluivalent. Students from outside states are not held to the same standard. 1 ttodance: 86. Tachlng' taff: S, of whom one-half are professo. I Ione of the instructors devotes his enti time to teaching.