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Population, 7,05,915. Number of physicians, 11,056. Ratio, 1:636.

Number of medical schools, 8, plus 1 postgraduate school.

PHILADELPHIA: Population, 1,540,430.

(I) University of Pennsylvania Department of Medicine. Organized 1765. An organic part of the university.

Entrance requirement: One year of college work, in which however, conditions have been very freely allowed.

Attendance: 546, 63 per cent from Pennsylvania.

Teaching staff: 157, of whom 26 are professors, 181 of other grade. The laboratory instructors, with a few of their assistants, devote their entire time to teaching and research.

Resources available for maintenance: The department shares the general funds of the university. Its budget—exclusive of the hospital and dispensary—is $131,255; the income from fees is $104,612.

Laboratory facilities: Five separate well equipped buildings are provided for the laboratories of the department: the first for histology, embryology, etc.; the second—new and admirably adapted to its purposes—for pathology, physiology, and pharmacology; the third for chemistry and anatomy, with a deservedly famous anatomical museum; the fourth for hygiene; the fifth is the clinical laboratory, never as yet adequately supported. Near by is the Wistar Institute, open to graduate students for research in anatomy. The department possesses an admirable library. Its scientific faculty has been recently strengthened by the creation of chairs of physiological chemistry and experimental medicine, specially endowed. The department has, therefore, an admirable material equipment.

Clinical facilities: The University Hospital of 350 beds, of which 280 are available for instruction, is contiguous to the laboratories. There is a separate maternity pavilion of 50 beds. Considerable use is also made of several other hospitals, notably the Philadelphia General Hospital and the Pennsylvania Hospital, extramural instruction being given at the latter. The recently established Phipps Institute for tuberculosis is also now part of the clinical plant. he equipment of the department thus fully satisfies all essential conditions.

Two dispensaries are used, one at, the other at a distance from, the university. Abundant material is thus obtained.

Date of visit: March, 1909.