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being a practitioner. There is no museum beyond necessary specimens for pathological work. There is a library at the College Club. Students in dentistry, pharmacy, and medicine mingle in a number of classes. Student assistants are freely used. Except in bacteriology, little or no effort is made to cultivate original scientific activity; great stress is laid on effective drill.

Clinical facilities: The school has entire control of its own hospital, of 180 available beds, which is in close proximity to the other buildings. The Maternity Hospital is near by. Ward and section methods are in use. Classes are also held in the usual manner at other hospitals.

The dispensary attendance is large.

Date of visit: March, 1909.

(4) Temple University, Department of Medicine. Organized 1901.

Entrance requirement: Less than a four-year high school education.

Attendance: 136.

Teaching staff: 85, of whom 15 are professors, 70 of other grade. There are no full-time teachers.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees only, amounting to $17,000 (estimated).

Laboratory facilities: These are entirely inadequate and in some departments quite wretched. There is an ordinary elementary laboratory for chemistry; a single room with slight equipment for histology, pathology, and bacteriology, and only a demonstration outfit for physiology. The dissecting-room is in bad condition. There is a small museum and a library of several thousand volumes of miscellaneous character, but no other teaching accessories. Dental, pharmacy, and medical students mingle in the same classes.

Clinical facilities: The school has access to two small hospitals, whose work is almost four-fifths surgical. The dispensary has a large attendance.

Date of visit: March, 1909.

(5) Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital. Organized 1848. An independent institution.

Entrance requirement: Less than a four-year high school education, probably much less, for most of the credentials were passed on by the secretary.

Attendance: 182, 61 per cent from Pennsylvania.

Teaching staff: 72, of whom 27 are professors, 45 of other grade. One teacher devotes his entire time to the school.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees, amounting to $18,500.