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ONTARIO KINGSTON: Poindation, 0,000. (/) MFCAL DEPARTFVr Ot QUEEN'S UNVRsrrY. Organized 1854. The relation of the medical department to the university is anomalous, marking a period of transition that is likely soon to result in complete integration. .Entrance requirement: Heretofore somewhat below that of the arts department of the university,.though students must comply with the requirements of the province in which they expect to practis The medical course covers five years. Attendance: t08, 71 per cent from Ontario. Teaching staff: I8, 16 being professors. Resources availablefo matenance: Income in fees, $19,978. A fixed percentage of fees is annually' expended on buildings, equipment, and maintenance. The remainder belongs to and is disbursed by the' medical faculty. tojfacilities: The laboratory building is new and the equipment is adequate to intelligent routine work. At present, physics, chemistry, and physiology are taught in the university, in return for which the university receives'a part of the fees of the students instructed. Full-time professors in anatomy and pathology are

provided bY the medical school. A museum is in process of formation. There is a 

small collection of books and periodicals in the faculty room, open to students. Clinical facilitie s: The clinical facilities are limited. The school relies ma/nly on the adjoining Kingston General Hospital, in which its faculty practically constitutes the staff. The average number of beds available is 80, but they are well used. In addition to ward work, sudents are required to work up individual cases in correct form, including the clinical laboratory aspects. There is a ward for infectious diseases. Obstetrical cases are too few. Post-mortems are secured mainly at the Rockwood Insane Asylum. Two supplementary hospitals provide additional illustrative clinical nmterial. The opportunities for out-patient work are slight. Dats of gvit: October, 1909. LONDON: Pmlatlon, 41,500 (4) WESTEE1 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL DEPAETMEIT. Established 1881. Practically an independent school. Entrance requirement: Nominal. The student, for his own protection, is expected to fulfil the requirements of the place in which he intends to practise. The medical course covers four years. .dttendance: 104.