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MONTREAL: Popu/a//o, 67,730. (6) MCGmL Umvasrrr MEmCAL F&CLTY. Established 184. An organic department of the university. F_mtrane requirnmt: The University School Leaving Examination, strictly enforced. The medical course covers five y___. Teaching staff: 99, of whom 19 are professors, 80 of other grade. Ten inStructors devote their entire time to teacng. ResOurces avai!abl,for maintenance: The department has separate endowments aggrega $550,000 and is assisted out of the general university fund Its fees amount to S,750; its budget, $77,000. Laborfacilitle: The laboratories having been recently injured by/ire, the school is now waiting the completion of its new buildings, for which ample funds have been secured. Meanwhile its temporary quarters, well equipped for both teaching and research in all departments, show what energy and intelligence can accomplish in the face of disaster; The anatomical and pathological museums are among the most famous on the continent. The school possesse s an excellent library and all necessary aching accessories. C!inial,facilitie,: These are excellent. The school enjoys a most favorable relation to two large hospitals, of about 500 beds, besides several other intitutions. Students work-freely in all the wards and clinical laboratory. The _d_i._qensary service is large and admirable. (7) LAv Umvxm-z M_wc. DAarmr. Organized 1878. The university connection is not intimate. Entram requirer: Indefinite, depending on the prospective location of the student. The medical course covers five years. /: 7. Teaclt.sta: 8. rees .ava//ab/efor ma/ntenae: Fees, most of which are distributed among the teachers.. Laboratofadlltis: Chemistry is given by the university. Anatomy is limited to dissecting. A single laboratory with meager equipment is assigned to pathology,