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Accredited high schools, 31.

Admission requirements in medical schools, 10, 11, 2-38, 47-50, 168.


University of Alabama, 85, 90, 123, 126, 139, 185.
Birmingham Medical College, 36, 122, 185.

Alabama, University of (see under Alabama).

Albany Medical College, Union University (see under New York).

American College of Osteopathy (see under Missouri)

American Medical Association, 10.

American Medical College (see under Missouri).

American Medical Missionary College (see under Michigan).

Anatomy, 61, 83.

Apportionment of studies in medical schools, 76.

Apprenticeship system, 3, 9.

Approved high schools, 31.


University of Arkansas, 10, 12, 86, 120, 141, 151, 187.
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Little Rock, 7, 12, 114, 187.

Arkansas, University of (see under Arkansas).

Army Medical School, Washington, D.C. (see under District of Columbia).

Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons (see under Georgia).

Atlanta School of Medicine (see under Georgia).

Atlantic Medical College (see under Maryland).

Autopsies at medical schools, 84, 88.

{{sc|Bacteriology, 67, 85.

Baltimore Medical College (, Mary-

Bardeen, C R., 8 (ot)

Barker, L. F., 68 (ot).

Barnes Medical College ( ffr Miasouri).

Baylot University (,tt Texas).

Bellevue Hospital, New York City, 84, 110, 131, 275.

Bennett Medical College ( sffr IIi-ois)

Bigelow, Henry J., 9.

Billings, John S., 46. [.

Biology, teaching of, in medical education, 25.

Birmingham Medical'College ( Ala-

Boals of mi.,lieal examiners, state, 167-173.

Bond, Thomas, 4, 7.

Boston University (zz u Massachusetts).

Bowdoin College Medical School of Maine ( u Maine).

Brooklyn Pstgraduate Medical School ( nder. New York).

Budget of a medical school, 129-133.

Buffalo, UniVersity of (see under New York).

California: , University of California, Los Angeles, 116, University of California, San Francisco, 8, Californi Medical College, 10, 14,0, 190. Hahnemann Medical College of the Pacific, Leland Sanford Junior University (Cooper Foundation), 8, 29, 72, 84, 114, 193, 196. Los Angeles College of Osteopathy, 164,190. College o Medicine and Surgery, Oakland, Pacific COllege of Osteopathy, 164, 166, 191. Universitr of Southern California, lil. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Los Angeles, l, 8, 188. 'College o Physicians and Surgeons, San Fran 'cco, s0, Sl, s6, 191, California, Uiversity of (z under California) California Mei, 'cal College( u,rcollfornia). Canada, prolr.'. distribution of medical schools in,!50. i [souri). Central Colle of Osteopathy Cbat"ooga, IUniversity of ( Tenes- Chemistry, 'teaching of, in medical 'education, Chicaso, Chicago Collethe of Medicine and Surgery, Val- paraiso UniVersity ( una!r .Illinois). Chicago Ear, Eye, Nose, and Throat College Chicago Polyclinic ( udr Illinois). Cincinnati, Uiversity of, Ohio-Miami Medical College ( Ohio). Cleveland Homeopathic Medical Colle