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Hippocratean College of Medicine (# tmd History of medical education, 52, 53. Homeopathic medical sec 158-162, 172. Hospital Medical Colle4e , Atlanta, Georgia ( Hospital Medical School, 95-103, 106-10, 160. Howard University (' a&r District of Co- Iumbia). Hubbard, Dr. W., lsl. ILLINOI: Bennett Medical College, 33, 87, 88, 117, 210, 216. University of Chicago, Rush Medical Col- 1e4'8, 43,?2, 76, I07, 109, 114!19, 136, 178, 07, 217-219. Chicago Ear, Eye, Nose, and Throat Col- Chicago Polyclinic, 176, 215. Hahnemann Medical College, St, S, 11S, 120, 159, 160, 161, 214 216. 216. University of Illinois, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 12, 19, 109, I1S, 140, Illinois Medical College,?, 33, 87, 211, 216. lAiance Medical College, 33, 211, 16. Illinois Postgraduate School, 216. Jenner Medical College, 87, 122, 176, 11, 216. Littlejohn College of Osteopaty, 67, 165, College of Medicine and Surgery: Physio- National Medical University, 86, 67, I0, 212, 216. Northwestern University, 12, 8, 31, 39, 77, 79, 84 106, 109, 136, 144 Postgraduate Medical College and Hospl- Valparaiso University, Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, 39, 81, 62, 117, 09, 216, 1. Illinois, Universityof, Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons ( unalsr Illinois Illinois Medical College ( under illinois). Illinois Postgraduate School ( und Illl- nois Immigration in medical schools, 38, 39. 841 In _d_i_s_na: Indiaua University, 8,?2, 75, 107, 119, 148, 0. Valpami!o Uiversity, el. Indiana Univ!,ersity (fM /* Infectious dissses, teaching of, 117. Intnmaal medicine, clinical teaching of, 106-124. Iowa: Drake U'aiversity, 117, 121, , . State Uai'versity of'Iowa, S,?2, 10, ISa, 149, 15, . Still Coll 'ege of Osteopathy, 165, Iowa, State U]nivesity of (, Ion0. Jat-so Mcal College ( Pennsyl- Jenner Medical Colleie ( Illi-ois Johns Hopkin University O adMaryland). Jorda ,. O. Universit of 119, 1 149, 6. Washburni College, Kansus Medical Col- Western Eclectic College of Medicine and Kan Univeiity of ( Kansas City Hhne,—.-_ Medical COlIe ( -' MissoUri). . aty aptai, 6. Medic/l,' College, Waahhnm College Kentucky: Universitrl of Louisvill Sl. Louisville National Medical College'., Southwest. e!.n, Homeopathie Medical Col- lege, KnoxvilleMedieCoHege ( Tennessee). cuhn, Adam,, i Lo-oa= bches of medical imo 71. Laboratory instruction, establishment.of, I 1. M tmvermty, Quebec (# ,md Quebec). Leland Stanfor Junior University ( m/ California). i [o!tua Leo M