Page:Caroline Lockhart--The Fighting Shepherdess.djvu/22

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Mullendore did not reply, but with another oath began to untie the lash rope from the nearest pack.

"Wonder if I could get a drink of water?" The stranger turned to Kate as he spoke, lifting his hat to disclose a high white forehead — a forehead as fine as it was unexpected in a man trailing a bunch of sheep. The men who raised their hats to the women of the Sand Coulee were not numerous, and Kate's eyes widened perceptibly before she replied heartily, " Sure you can."

Jezebel, who had come up leading the big wheel horse, said significantly, " Somethin' stronger, if you like."

The fierce eagerness which leaped into stranger's eyes screamed his weakness, yet he did not jump at the offer she held out. The struggle in his mind was obvious as he stood looking uncertainly into the face that was stamped with the impress of wide and sordid experiences.

Kate's voice broke the short silence, " He said ' water,' Mother." She spoke sharply, and with a curt inclination of her head to the sheepherder added, " The water barrel's at the back door. Mister. Come with me."

Apparently this made his decision for him, for he followed the girl at once, while Jezebel with a shrug walked on with the horse.

Kate handed the stranger the long-handled tin dipper and watched him gravely while he drank the water in gulps, draining it to the last drop.

" Guess you're a booze-fighter. Mister," she observed, casually, much as she might have commented that his un-kempt beard was brown. Amusement twinkled in his eyes at the personal remark and her utter unconsciousness of having said anything at which by any chance he could take offense, but he replied non-committedly :

" I've put away my share, Miss."