Page:Caroline Lockhart--The Fighting Shepherdess.djvu/284

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" Oh." He considered a moment, then moded, "Got religion?"

" Not yet," curtly.

"Jest wanted me close? 01' friends are the best friends — ain't they? " He grinned weakly at her.

" Pete," slowly, "there are some questions I want to ask you."

" Thought it was about time for the pumps to start What do you want to know? "

Kate's heart leaped. She endeavored to steady her voice, to keep out of her face the eagerness with which she trembled, as she replied:

" I want to know who my father is — where he is, if he's alive. Oh, Pete! " Her hands came together be- seechingly, " Tell me that — I beg of you tell me about him."^

Satisfaction glistened in his eyes.

" I thought that would be it! The only civil words I ever got out of you when you was a kid was when you hoped to make me loosen up and talk to you about him." Then he asked again with an expression she could not interpret, " You're sure you'd ruther I give up that than anything else on earth?"

" Yes, Pete! " she gulped. " It means so much to me."

" I guess yes. The ground wouldn't be good enough for your feet if the ' Old Man ' had you."

" Is that the truth? He'd care for me like that? Oh, Pete! "

"Care? He'd worship you. Them Prouty folks would bite themselves if they could see your Old Man," he chuckled faintly.

" He is still living, then? Oh, Pete I " She extended two pleading hands impulsively, " Don't make me wait! "

Something other thatv iwer glittered in his eyes, and