Page:Caroline Lockhart--The Fighting Shepherdess.djvu/40

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An ominous glint came in the cowboy's eye, but he still grinned.

"I want broke to foller. Never was handled right when I was a colt. Don't you wait fer me, feller, you jest sift along in and I'll come when I git done."

Judging from the expression on Toomey's face, it seemed to the Major an opportune time to interrupt.

" Since nobody aims to introduce us — " he began goodnaturedly, extending a hand. "My name is Prouty — Stephen Douglas Prouty. You'Ve heard of me, like as not."

" Can't say I have," replied Toomey in a tone that made the Major flush as he shook the extended hand without warmth.

To cover his confusion, the Major turned to the sheepherder whose soft brown eyes held an amused look.

" Er Joe I'll make you acquainted with Mr. Jasper Toomey, one of our leadin' stockmen in these parts."

The introduction received from Toomey the barest acknowledgment as he directed hi§ gaze to the grazing sheep.

" Where you taking them? " he asked in « curt tone.

" I really couldn't tell you yet."

Toomey glanced at him sharply, attracted by the cultivated tone.

" I wouldn't advise you to locate here ; this is my range."

"Own It? " inquired the herder mildly.

" N-no."

"Lease it?"

" N-no."

"No good reason then Is there to keep me out? "