Page:Carroll - Euclid and His Modern Rivals.djvu/44

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Scene II.

Οὐκ άγαθὸν πολυκοιρανίη᾿ εἷς κΟίρανος ἔστω,
Εἷς βασιλεὺς

[Minos sleeping: to him enter the Phantasm of Euclid. Minos opens his eyes and regards him with a blank and stony gaze, without betraying the slightest surprise or even interest.]

§ 1. A priori reasons for retaining Euclid's Manual.

Euc. Now what is it you really require in a Manual of Geometry?

Min. Excuse me, but—with all respect to a shade whose name I have reverenced from early boyhood—is not that rather an abrupt way of starting a conversation? Remember, we are twenty centuries apart in history, and consequently have never had a personal interview till now. Surely a few preliminary remarks—