Page:Carroll - Euclid and His Modern Rivals.djvu/98

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Scene III.

Treatment of Parallels by angles made with transversals.


'The verbal solemnity of a hollow logic.'
Cooley, Pref. p. 20.

Nie. I have now the honour to lay before you 'The Elements of Geometry, simplified and explained,' by W. D. Cooley, A.B., published in 1860.

Min. Please to hand me the book for a moment. I wish to read you a few passages from the Preface. It is always satisfactory—is it not?—to know that a writer, who attempts to 'simplify' Euclid, begins his task in a becoming spirit of humility, and with some reverence for a name that the world has accepted as an authority for two thousand years.

Nie. Truly.