Page:Carroll - Notes by an Oxford Chiel.djvu/44

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On Differentiation.

The effect of Differentiation on a Particle is very remarkable, the first Differential being frequently of a greater value than the original Particle, and the second of less enlightenment.

For example, let L='Leader,' S='Saturday,' and then L.S.='Leader in the Saturday,' (a particle of no assignable value). Differentiating once, we get L.S.D., a function of great value. Similarly it will be found that, by taking the second Differential of an enlightened Particle, (i.e. raising it to the Degree D.D.,) the enlightenment becomes rapidly less. The effect is much increased by the addition of a C: in this case the enlightenment often vanishes altogether, and the Particle becomes conservative.

It should be observed that, whenever the symbol L is used to denote 'Leader,' it must be affected with the sign ±: this serves to indicate that its action is sometimes positive and sometimes negative—some particles of this class having the property of drawing others after them, (as 'a Leader of an army,') and others of repelling them, (as 'a Leader of the Times.')