Page:Carroll - Notes by an Oxford Chiel.djvu/60

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'Twas, I remember, but the other day,
Dear Senior Censor, that you chanced to say
You thought these party-combinations would
Be found, 'though needful, no unmingled good.'
Unmingled good? They are unmingled ill[1]!
I never took to them, and never will[2]
What am I saying? Heed it not, my friend:
On the next page I mean to recommend
The very dodges that I now condemn
In the Conservatives! Don't hint to them
A word of this! (In confidence. Ahem!)

Need I rehearse the history of Jowett?
I need not, Senior Censor, for you know it[3].
That was the Board Hebdomadal, and oh!
Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow!
Let each that wears a beard, and each that shaves,
Join in the cry 'We never will be slaves!'

  1. 'In a letter on a point connected with the late elections to the Hebdomadal Council you incidentally remarked to me that our combinations for these elections, "though necessary, were not an unmixed good." They are an unmixed evil.'
  2. 'I never go to a caucus without reluctance: I never write a canvassing letter without a feeling of repugnance to my task.'
  3. 'I need not rehearse the history of the Regius Professor of Greek.'