Page:Carroll - Notes by an Oxford Chiel.djvu/91

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When wall and window are black as pitch,
And there's no deciding which is which;
When the dark Hall's uncertain roof
In horror seems to stand aloof;
When corner and corner, alternately,
Is wrought to an odious symmetry;
When distant Thames is heard to sigh
And shudder as he hurries by;
Then go, if it be worth the while,
Then view the Belfry's monstrous pile,
And, home returning, soothly swear
"'Tis more than Job himself could bear!"'

§ 4. On the chief architectural merit of the new Belfry, Ch. Ch.

Its chief merit is its Simplicity—a Simplicity so pure, so profound, in a word, so simple, that no other word will fitly describe it. The meagre outline, and baldness of detail, of the present Chapter, are adopted in humble imitation of this great feature.

§ 5. On the other architectural merits of the new Belfry, Ch. Ch.

The Belfry has no other architectural merits.