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Some desperate attempts were made
To start a conversation;
"Madam," the sportive Brown essayed,
"Which kind of recreation,
Hunting or fishing, have you made
Your special occupation?"

Her lips curved downwards instantly,
As if of india-rubber.
"Hounds in full cry I like," said she:
(Oh how I longed to snub her !)
"Of fish, a whale's the one for me,
It is so full of blubber!"

The night's performance was " King John.
"It's dull," she wept, "and so-so!"
A while I let her tears flow on,
She said they soothed her woe so!
At length the curtain rose upon
'Bombastes Furioso.'

In vain we roared; in vain we tried
To rouse her into laughter: