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Pain, how to minimise; 337

Paley's definition of Virtue; 274

Parentheses in conversation, how to indicate; 251

'Phlizz', a visionary flower; 282

fruit; 75

nurse-maid; 283

Pictures, how to criticize; 238

Pleasure, how to maximise; 335

Plunge-bath, portable; 25

Poor people, simple method for enriching; 312

Portable bath for tourists; 25

Poverty, the blessings of; 152

Prayer for temporal blessings, effect of; 391

Preachers, exceptional privileges of; 277

appealing to selfishness; 276

Proof, burden of, misplaced by Crocodiles; 230

Dr. Watts; 235

ladies; 235

Questions in conversation, how to indicate; 251

Railway-literature; 58

scenes regarded as dramatic; 333

Rain, horizontal, boots for; 14

Retina, images inverted on; 242

Reversed order of events; 350

Scenery, enjoyment of, by little men; 299

Science. Do books, or minds, contain most? 21

Selfishness appealed to in hymns; 276

religious teaching; 275

sermons; 276

Sermons appealing to selfishness; 276