Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.djvu/68

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sake, if he could. And he wished, for my sake, he could see things as I did. But that is all wrong!" she went on passionately. "God cannot approve such low motives as that! Still it was not I that broke it off. I knew he loved me; and I had promised; and——"

"Then it was he that broke it off?"

"He released me unconditionally." She faced me again now, having quite recovered her usual calmness of manner.

"Then what difficulty remains?"

"It is this, that I don't believe he did it of his own free will. Now, supposing he did it against his will, merely to satisfy my scruples, would not his claim on me remain just as strong as ever? And would not my promise be as binding as ever? My father says 'no'; but I ca'n't help fearing he is biased by his love for me. And I've asked no one else. I have many friends——friends for the bright sunny weather; not friends for the clouds and storms of life; not old friends like you!"

"Let me think a little," I said: and for some minutes we walked on in silence, while