Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/101

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The Lodger's Comfort

"But, Bettie," said Mrs. Tucker, when her little daughter helped by the other three, had explained the situation, "are you sure she's nice? I'm afraid you've been a little rash."

"Just as nice as can be," assured Bettie.

"Yes," said Dr. Tucker, "I guess it's all right. I know the organ tuner—I used to see him twice a year when we lived in Ohio. His name is Blossom and he's a very fine old fellow. I met his daughter this afternoon when they were examining the church organ and she seemed a pleasant, well educated young woman—I believe he said she taught a kindergarten during the winter. The girls haven't made any mistake this time."

"Then we must make her comfortable," said Mrs. Tucker. "You may take sheets and pillow-cases from the linen closet, Bettie, and you must see that she has everything she needs."

Excited Bettie danced off to the linen