Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/135

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Neighborhood Changes

self had made for her. There was a daintily embroidered "B" in the corner to make it Bettie's very own.

Marjory happened upon Jean's note peeping out from under a book on the parlour table. It said: "Dear Jean: Don't you think it's time for you to look at the kitchen clock?"

Of course everybody rushed to the kitchen to see Jean take from inside the case of the tickless clock a lovely handkerchief just like Bettie's except that it was marked with "J."

Marjory's note, which she presently found growing on the crimson petunia sent her flying to the grindless coffee-mill where she, too, found a similar gift.

"Well," said Mabel, who was now fairly cheerful, "I wonder if she forgot all about me."

For several anxious moments the girls searched eagerly in Mabel's behalf but no note was visible.

"I can't think where it could be," said