Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/206

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Laura's Version Of The Story

MARJORY, in the cottage kitchen, was alternately scolding and laughing at wo-begone Mabel when Jean and Bettie, released from their charge, ran back to Dandelion Cottage. Mabel, crying with indignation, sat on the kitchen stove rubbing her eyes with a pair of grimy fists—Mabel's hands always gathered dust.

"Oh Mabel! how could you!" groaned Jean, when Marjory had told the afternoon's story. "I'll never dare to leave you here again without some sensible person to look after you. Don't you see you've been almost—yes, quite—as bad as Laura?"

"I don't care," sobbed unrepentant Mabel. "If you'd heard those verses—and—and Marjory laughed at me."

"Couldn't help it," giggled Marjory, who