Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/313

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The Grown-ups Behave Oddly

cream to the Bennett pie. A brick of ice cream and some little cakes could easily be purchased ready-made from the town caterer, with the change they had left. Thoughts of their money's giving out no longer troubled them, for had not Mabel's surprising father told them that if they ran short they need not hesitate to ask him for any amount within reason?

"I declare," said bewildered Mabel, "I can't see what has come over papa and mamma. Do I look pale or anything—as if I might be going to die before very long?"

"No," said Marjory, "you certainly don't; but I've wondered if Auntie Jane could be worried about me. I never knew her to be so generous—Why! it's getting to be kind of a nuisance. Do you s'pose they're going to insist on doing everything?"

"Well," said Bettie, "they've certainly helped us a lot. I don't know why they've done it, but I'm glad they have. You see