Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/44

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Dandelion Cottage

"Well," said Mr. Black, encouragingly, "you've made considerable headway to-day."

"Where are you putting the weeds," asked the president of the Village Improvement Society.

"On the back porch in a piano box," said Bettie. "We had a big pile of them last night but they shrunk like everything before morning. If they do that every time it won't be necessary for Mabel to jump on them to press them down."

"Let me know when you have a wagon load," said Mr. Black. "I'll have them hauled away for you."

For the rest of the week the girls worked early and late. They began almost at daylight and the mosquitoes found them still digging, at dusk.

By Thursday night, only scattered patches of weeds remained. The little diggers could hardly tear themselves away, when they could no longer find the weeds because of