Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/50

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Dandelion Cottage

board built into the wall. What have you found, Jean?"

"Just a pantry," said Jean, holding up a pair of black hands, "and lots of dust. There isn't a clean spot in the house."

"So much the better," said Bettie, whose clouds always had a silver lining. "We'll have just that much more fun cleaning up. I'll tell you what let's do—and we've all day to-morrow to do it in. We'll just regularly clean house—I've always wanted to clean house."

"Me too," cried Mabel, enthusiastically. "We'll bring just oceans of water——"

"There's water here," interrupted Jean, turning a faucet. "Water and a pretty good sink. The water runs out all right."

"That's good," said Bettie. "We must each bring a broom, and soap——"

"And rags," suggested Jean.

"And papers for the shelves," added Marjory.

"And wear our oldest clothes," said Bettie.