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Dandelion Cottage

never earned it by being on time for meals—you've been late three times a day ever since we got the cottage."

"Sold lemonade,"said Mabel. "Our troubles are over, girls. I'm going to buy two lemons to-morrow and sell twice as much,"

"Good!" cried Bettie, "I'll help. The boys have promised to bring me a lot of arbutus to-night—they went to the woods this morning. I'll tie it in bunches and perhaps we can sell that, too."

"Wouldn't it be splendid if we could have Mr. Black here to dinner next Saturday," said Jean, "I'll never be satisfied until we've kept that promise, but I don't suppose we could possibly get enough things together by that time."

"I have a sample can of baking powder," offered Marjory, hopefully. "I'll bring it over next time I come."

"What's the good?" asked matter-of-fact Mabel. "We can't feed Mr. Black on just