Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/99

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Making The Lodger Comfortable

"WELL," exclaimed Marjory, when the door had closed behind their pleasant visitor, "isn't this too grand for words! It's just like finding a bush with pennies growing on it, or a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Two and a half a week! That's—let me see. Why! that's seven dollars and a half! We can buy Mr. Black's dinner and have enough money left to live on for a long time afterwards."

"Mercy!" cried Mabel, "we never said a word to her about taking her on approval. We didn't even ask her name."

"Pshaw!" said Jean, "she's all right. She couldn't be disagreeable if she wanted to with that dimple and those sparkles in her eyes; but girls, we've a tremendous lot to do."