Page:Cary's New Itinerary (1819).djvu/194

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Short Stages round London.

Palmer's Green. See Winchmore Hill.

Parndon. See Waltham Abbey.

Parson's Green. See Fulham.

Peckham. George and Gate, Gracechurch Street, 10½4, 1, 3, 4, 4½, 7½, 9, dai. —No. 4, Gracechurch Street, 12, 3, 8.—No.11, ditto, 10, 10½, 11, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4½,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -daily.—Kings and Key, Fleet Street, 11, 12, 3, 7½, 8, daily. Ship, Charing Cross, 11, 2½, 7, daily. .

Pentonville and Battle Bridge. Royal Exchange, daily and hourly, 8 morn. to 8 aft.

Petersham. See Ham.

Plaistow (Essex). Lamb Tavern, Leadenhall Market, daily, 11, 3, 8; Sund. 11, 3.

Plaistow (Kent). See Bromley.

Ponder's End. No. 90, Bishopsgate Within, 10½, 5, 6; Sunday, 10 morn, —Marlborough Head, No. 97, ditto, 10½ morn: 6 even.

Putney.' See Richmond.

Richmond. Cross Keys, Gracechurch Street, dai. 4½ aft. Sund. 10 morn.—Crown, St. Paul's, 9, 3, 5; Sund. 9, 10, 11.—Goose and Gridiron, ditto, 9, 9½, 11, 1, 3, 5, 6 7½; Sund. 9, 11.—Spotted Dog, Strand, 9½, 10½, 11½, 1½, 3½, 4½, 5, 6½, 7½; Sunday, 9½, 10½; 11 morn—White Hart, ditto, 9½, 11½, 1½, 3½, 5, 6½, 7½; Sund. 94, 11 morn.

Roehampton. See Wimbledon.

Rotherhithe. George and Gate, Gracechurch Street, 11, 12, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, daily.

Roydon. See Waltham Abbey.

Shacklewell. Flower Pot, Bishopsgate Str. dai. and hourly, 9 morn. to 9 even.

Shooter's Hill. George and Gate, Gracechurch Street, 2, 4, 6½ aft. daily.

Snaresbrook. See Laytonstone.

Southgate. No. 90, Bishopsgate Within, daily, 9, 4, 5, 6½; Sunday, morn. 7 even.

South Lambeth. Ship, Charing Cross, 10¼, 1¼, 4¼, 8¼, daily—Kings and Key, Fleet Street, 10½, 1½, 1, 4, 8, daily.

Stamford Hill. Flower Pot, Bishopsgate Street, daily and hourly, 9 morn. to 9 even.

Stepney. See Limehouse.

Stockwell. No. 4, Gracechurch Street, 10, 12½, 4¼ 8½, daily;—Kings and Key, Fleet street, 10, 1, 4, 8, daily; Sund. 10, 1, 8.—Ship, Gating Cross, 11¼, 3¼, 8¼, daily.

Stoke Newington. Flower Pot, Bishopsgate Street, hourly, 10 morn. to. 9½ even. —King's Arms, ditto, 9, 9½, 10, 11, 12, 12¼, 1, 2,3, 4, 4½, 6, 7½, 8 9, daily.—Kings and Key, Fleet Street, daily, 12¼, 3, 9; Sun. 12¼ and 8.

Stratford. Black Boy and Camel, Leadenhall Street, 11, 3, 8, daily.

Streatham. Cross Keys, Gracechurch Street, daily; 4, 5, 7.—George and Gate, ditto, 9 morn. 3½, 4, 7, daily—Spread Eagle, ditto, 4 aft. daily, Sunday excepted.—No, 11, ditto, daily, 4 aft. Sunday excepted.—Ship, Charing Cross, 10 morn. 6½ even. daily.