Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 1.djvu/641

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  • Hastings, a Danish chieftain, or Viking (886), 35
  • —— battle of (1066), 86
  • Hawking, sport of, 140-141
  • Helie, Lord of La Flécha (1099), 133
  • Hengist and Horsa, Saxon leaders (449–477), 25, 26
  • Henry I., son of William I. (1100–1135), 105, 106, 112, 148–162
  • Prince, son of King David of Scotland (1138), 166
  • —— Bishop of Winchester, brother of Stephen (1135–1154), 168-170, 179
  • —— II., surnamed Plantagenet (1154–1189), 162, 172, 206
  • —— Prince, son of Henry II. (1160–1183), 195, 200–201
  • —— Prince of Tyre, nephew of Richard I. (1191), 226
  • —— VI., Emperor of Germany (1191), 230, 237, 239
  • —— III. (1216–1272), 267–297
  • —— IV., surnamed Bolingbroke (1399–1413), 431, 434–438, 440–443, 481–514
  • —— V., surnamed of Monmouth (1413–1422), 492, 503, 512–560
  • —— VI., surnamed of Windsor (1422–1461), 558–624
  • Hereford, Humphrey Bohun, Earl of (1297), 323
  • Hereward, "the last hero of Saxon independence" (1069–1072), 94,99
  • Hexham, battle of (1463), 64
  • Holland, Sir John, half-brother of Richard II. See Huntingdon.
  • Homildon Hill, battle of (1402), 496
  • Hospitallers, or Knights of St. John, account of, 132
  • Hotspur. See Percy.
  • Huntingdon, John Holland, Earl of (1384–1400), 422, 431, 484, 485
  • Innocent II., Pope (1135), 164
  • —— IV., Pope (1245), 280–281
  • Interdict proclaimed upon the kingdom (1208), 251
  • —— in the reign of Stephen, 172
  • Ireland, early history of, 194
  • —— conquest of, by Henry II. (1169–1172), 194–195
  • Isaac, Emperor of Cyprus (1191), 220
  • Isabella, wife of Hugh Count of La Marche (1200), 248
  • —— Queen of Edward II. (1308–1330), 339–341, 350–353, 363, 364
  • —— Queen of Richard II. (1399–1408), 485–486, 491–492, 508–509
  • —— Queen of Charles VI. of France (1417–1435), 540–542, 545, 546, 548, 549, 552, 554, 586
  • Jacqueline of Bavaria, wife of the Duke of Brabant (1425), 569
  • Jacquerie, origin of the (1353), 396
  • Jaffa, battle of (1192), 227
  • James I., King of Scotland (1402–1435), 501, 502, 555, 566–569
  • Jerusalem taken in the first Crusade (1099), 131
  • —— re-taken by the Mahometans (1187), 202
  • Jew of Bristol tortured by King John (1211), 251
  • Jews, persecutions of, by Edward I. (1290), 314–315
  • —— persecutions of, by King John (1210), 251
  • Joachim, Abbot of Curacio (1190), 218
  • Joan of Sicily, sister of Richard I. (1198–1199), 214–217, 219, 227
  • John, King (1199–1216), 195, 237–239, 244–265
  • John I., King of France (1348–1364), 389–395
  • Judith, niece of William the Conqueror (1070–1075), 100 101
  • Juliana, natural daughter of Henry I. (1120), 159 160
  • Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of (1370-1398), 401, 405, 407, 418–419, 422, 423, 423, 430, 434, 437
  • —— Thomas Plantagenet, Earl of (1308–1312), 340–344, 350–351
  • Langton, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury (1207–1213), 250, 255, 257, 260
  • Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury (1068–1089), 82, 110
  • Leicester, Simon de Montfort, Earl of (1253–1265), 284–293
  • Lewes, battle of (1264), 292
  • Literature, science, and art among the Saxons, 80, 81
  • —— science, and art among the Normans, 134–148
  • —— science, and art, progress of, in England, 457–460
  • Llewellyn, Prince of Wales (1246–1282), 289–290, 305–308
  • Lollards, the, or Reformers, 428, 518–521, 542
  • London in the reign of Henry II., 200
  • Longchamp, William, Chancellor in the reign of Richard I., 224, 232–237
  • Longbeard, "the king of the poor" (1195–1196), 239–240
  • Louis the Dauphin, son of Charles VI. (1413–1415), 524–526
  • —— VI., King of France (1112–1128), 157–161
  • —— VII., King of France (1137–1180), 165, 173, 175, 181–183, 188, 191, 196, 199, 202
  • —— VIII., King of France (1216–1226), 262–263, 268–272
  • —— IX., King of France (1226–1270), 279, 287, 300–302
  • —— XL., King of France (1460–1470), 612, 617–618, 620–624
  • Magna Charta, signed June 15th (1215), 257
  • —— principal clauses of, 260
  • Malcolm II., King of Scotland (1003–1033), 59
  • —— III., surnamed Caenmore (1057–1093), 92, 93, 113
  • Manny, Sir Walter, a noted general under Edward III. (1341–1347), 376–378, 384–388
  • March, Agnes, Countess of (1336), 369
  • Marche, La, Hugh, Count of (1200), 248
  • Margaret, Queen of .Malcolm Caenmore (1068-1093), 93
  • —— of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI. (1444–1482), 588–591, 596–616, 622–624
  • Massacre of the Jews at the coronation of Richard I. (1189), 212
  • —— at York (1190), 231–232
  • Matilda, or Maud, Queen of Henry I. (1100–1118), 149, 151, 155, 158
  • Queen of Henry V. of Germany (1110–1147), 158, 161–165, 167–172
  • —— or Maud, Queen of Stephen (1135–1151), 169–170
  • Maudelain, chaplain of Richard II. (1400), 434–485, 488, 439
  • Minstrels and troubadours, 136–137
  • Montacute, Lord (1330), 364
  • Montferrat, Conrad of. Prince of Tyre (1191–1192), 221, 225
  • Montfort, John de, nephew of John III., Duke of Brittany (1341–1347), 375–377
  • —— Simon de. Earl of Leicester. See Leicester.
  • —— son of (1264–1270), 293, 295, 296
  • Mortimer, Roger, Lord (1316-1330), 351–352, 356, 359, 362–364
  • Mortimer's Hole, Nottingham Castle, 364
  • Neville's Cross, battle of (1346), 385–386
  • New Forest in Hampshire cleared by William the Conqueror, 10–4
  • Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray, Duke of (1386–1399), 435–437
  • Northallerton, battle of (Battle of the Standard) (1138), 166
  • Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl of (1399–1403), 432–483, 496–501, 506, 507
  • —— Morcar, Earl of (1066–1087), 67–68, 83, 88, 91–93
  • —— Robert de Mowbray, Eari of (1095–1125), 114
  • —— John Nevil, Earl of (1469–1471), 618, 620
  • Norman Conquest, effect of of English civilisation, &c.; manners and customs, progress of literature and art, &c., 134–148
  • —— clergy, condition of, after the Conquest, 184
  • Normans, landing of, in England (1066), 84
  • Odo, Archbishop of Canterbury (941–958), 50
  • —— Bishop of Bayeux (1066–1088), 82, 92, 100, 105, 107, 110
  • Olaf, King of Norway (994), 51
  • Oldcastle, Sir John, Lord Cobham, the original of "Sir John Falstaff." See Cobham.
  • Orleans, Duke of, brother of Charles VI. (1406–1407), 508–509
  • —— Charles, Duke of (1407), 508,509, 524–625, 536, 540
  • —— siege of (1429), 575–578
  • Otterbourne, or "Chevy Chase," battle of (1388), 423
  • Oxford, University of, 34
  • —— foundation of colleges at, 458–459
  • Pandulph, Legate of the Pope, 252–254
  • Paper, materials anciently employed in making of, 135
  • Parliament, the "wonderful" (1388), 425
  • Paris, Matthew, the historian (1235–1259), 461
  • Patrick, St., converted the Irish to Christianity (422–432), 28
  • Pedro IV., surnamed the Cruel, King of Castile (1360–1368), 398–400