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A.D. 1716.]

with equal acrimony, followed in impeachments against the lords Widdrington, Nithsdlale, Wintoun, Carnwath, Kenmure, and Nairn. No opposition was offered, not a single voice was raised to save the lives of these misguided men, though the insurrection had so strongly shown the little danger from it to the new dynasty, that mercy would have been far more noble, and probably more effectual than blood. But the tender-hearted Anne was no longer on the throne, and the house of Hanover showed itself possessed of little magnanimity. The impeachments were carried up to the house on the same day, and on the 19th the unfortunate noblemen were brought before the peers, where they knelt at the bar until they were desired to rise by the lord chancellor, when, with the single exception of lord Wintoun, they confessed their guilt, and threw themselves on the mercy of the king. Sentence of death was immediately pronounced on those who had pleaded guilty, and orders were given for the trial of lord Wintoun.

Though there was a considerable number of Jacobites in both houses, no one dared to interpose a word for pardon or mitigation of punishment; but secretary Stanhope, who had been a schoolfellow of lord Nairn's at Eton, though they had not met since then, did entreat for his pardon, and, being opposed by the rest of the council, tendered his resignation, and, as his services could not be well spared, the life of Nairn was granted. Though noblemen and gentlemen were cowardly enough to remain silent, the ladies exerted themselves to save the others. The duchesses of Bolton and Cleveland, and other ladies of the first rank, accompanied the young countess of Derwentwater to an audience of the king to implore his clemency; but the dull German remained unmoved. The ladies Nithsdale and Nairn had before made an assault on the pidegmatic nerves of George, who had neither feeling enough to be touched with pity, nor imagination enough to conceive the glory of a generous forgiveness, by secreting themselves behind a curtain in an ante-room, and throwing themselves at his feet as he passed. As it was seen that no motives of compassion could avail, those of interest were tried, and the first lord of the treasury declared in the commons that sixty thousand pounds had been offered him to procure the pardon of Derwentwater. Some of the members of that house now took courage, and pleaded the nobler cause of mercy and forgiveness, and amongst these, to his honour, was Richard Steele; but Walpole cut them short by declaring that he was moved with indignation to see members of that house so unworthy as, without blushing, to open their mouths in favour of rebels and parricides. To prevent further efforts of this kind, he moved the adjournment of the house till the 1st of March, so that the condemned nobles should be executed in the interval; and he carried his motion by a majority of seven. In the lords also a strong effort was made now it was too late; and the earl of Nottingham, though in the ministry, suddenly arose and pleaded strongly in their favour, and carried an address to the king, praying that he would reprieve such of the condemned lords as should deserve his mercy. This demonstration in the behalf of leniency astonishing the cabinet, they advised his majesty to comply with the prayer; and though an answer was returned to the address, merely stating that the king, on this and all occasions, would do what he thought consistent with the dignity of the crown and the safety of his people, yet it was concluded to reprieve the lords Carnwath and Widdrington in addition to Nairn. To prevent, however, any further appeals, an order was dispatched for the execution of the other three peers the next morning. To express a full sense of the conduct of the earl of Nottingham, he was dismissed from his office, as well as his son, lord Finch, and his brother, lord Aylesford. Yet one more victim was destined to be snatched from the clutches of this sanguinary whig ministry — for we must rather impute the severity to the ministry than to the king, who, being new to the country, was undoubtedly led principally by their decision. That night the countess of Nithsdale, being about to take her leave of her husband, contrived, by introducing some friends, to secure his escape in female attire. There remained, therefore, only two to suffer, the lords Derwentwater and Kenmure.

Derwentwater, a young man, who had just built himself a noble house at Dilston, on the Tyne, where he principally resided, and who might now have been enjoying his unambitious life but for the instigations of his wife, suffered first. He was observed to turn very pale as he ascended the scaffold, but he retained a firm voice and demeanour. He stood some time in prayer, and then read a paper drawn up by himself, declaring that he died a Roman catholic, and that he deeply repented his plea of guilty, and his expressions of contrition at the trial; that he acknowledged no king but James III. as his rightful sovereign, at the same time that he intended wrong to nobody; that he sought only to do his duty to his country, without any interested motives, that he died in charity with all the world, even those who had brought him to his death. On examining the block, and finding a rough place in it, he bade the executioner chip it off, lest it should hurt his neck—a singular care in the moment of death. His head was severed at a single blow. Lord Derwentwater was greatly beloved by all who knew him, and a pardon extended to him would have done far more for the house of Hanover than his death. His splendid estates in Cumberland and Northumberland were all confiscated and conferred on Greenwich Hospital, in possession of which institution they still remain, except a rent charge of two thousand five hundred pounds per annum, which was granted to the Newburgh family, the descendants of the earl's brother, in 1788, and a certain portion sold to Mr. Marshall, of Leeds, in 1832. The execution of lord Kenmure immediately followed that of lord Derwentwater.

Lord Wintoun, who had refused to plead guilty, was not brought to trial till the 15th of March. He was considered of unsound mind, and at times little better than idiotic; yet he certainly showed more address than any of his noble accomplices. He demanded time for collecting his evidence, and thus contrived to delay his trial. There was so clear a case against him that this, probably, made the government more tolerant of these delays. When called upon to plead, he still urged the absence of witnesses, and that it was very bad weather for travelling. The high steward, lord Cowper, at length would admit of no further demurs; on which Wintoun said, "I hope your lordships will do me justice, and not make use of Cowper-law, as we used to say in our country—hang a man first, and then judge him after." He