Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 4.djvu/639

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Note.— The dates affixed to the names, thus ( ), represent in the case of the English kings the period of the reign, and in other cases include the years during which the persons named figure in this history.

ADDISON (1714), 324, 371

Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of (1748), 536

Alberoni, cardinal (1717), 370, 382

Amherst, lord (1759), 566, 569

Anjou, duke of, king of Spain (170O), 141, 273, 299, 401

Anne, queen (1702-1714), quarrel with king, 27; intrigues, 54; accession, 170; declares war :against France, 172; visit of archduke Charles, 188; grant to the clergy, 191; Blenheim, 196;

successes in Spain, 209; Ramillies, 215; assent to the union, 227; Mrs. Masham succeeds duchess :of Marlborough in her favour, 239; death of her husband, 250; solicited to marry, 252; :correspondence with Pretender, 279; Peace of Utrecht, 302; aversion to electress Sophia, 316; :illness and death, 323

Anson, admiral lord (1744), 479, 533

Archduke Charles (1702-1711), 188, 232, 273, 279

Architecture in England, 604

Argyll, duke of (1689-1744), 142, 248, 258, 279, 338, 344, 444, 476

Army, 52, 114

Assiento treaty (1711), 282

Athloae, siege of (1691), 50

Atterbury, bishop (1710-1732),- 264, 393, 395, 417

Balcarras, earl of (1689), 9

Balmerino, lord (1745), 528

Baltic expedition (1700), 138

Bank of England, 76, 257

Barcelona captured by Peterborough (1705), 209

Bavaria, 197, 483

Bedford, duke of (1759), 564

Belleisle, marshal, 466, 482

Benbow, admiral (1702), 177

Bentley, 596

Berwick, duke of (1689-1734), 32, 48, 98, 219, 232, 314, 378, 423

Bill of Eights, 581

Bishoprics of Bremen and Verden (1716), 356

Bolingbroke, lord (1702-1751), 164, 243, 251, 279, 320, 325, 350, 395, 400, 408, 425, 543

Boscawen (1759), 568

Bouchaia captured (1711), 278

Boufflers, marshal (1695-1704), 89, 257

Boyne, battle of the (1690), 35

Braddock's defeat (1755), 551

Brest attacked (1694), 80

British Museum founded (1754), 548

Burnet (1659-1706), 7, 119, 135, 214

Bute, earl of (1735-1758), 545, 554

Byng, admiral (1756), 560

Byng, Sir George (1708-1719), 244, 372, 381

Cadiz expedition (1702), 176

Caermarthen, marquis, and duke of Leeds (1688-1710), 77, 86, 267

Canada war (1755), 551

Caroline, queen (1728-1738), 413, 437

Carrickfergus, French landing at, 575

Carthagena expedition (1741), 456

Census Bill (1754), 548

Cevennes, 184, 245, 273

Charles II. of Spain (1700), 141

Charles VII., king of Bavaria and emperor of Germany (1745), 481

Charles XII. of Sweden (1700-1718), 138, 159, 173, 273, 356, 362

Chesterfield, lord (1740-1748), 408, 470, 483, 533, 536

Clarendon, lord (1689), 38, 170, 317

Clive (1748-1760), 561, 566

Coinage, 93, 613

Commerce of the nation, 622

Condition of the people, 624

Constitutional changes caused by the revolution, 581

Convocation of clergy (1705), 215

Cope, Sir John (1745), 492, 50O

Cork capitulates to Marlborough (1690), 41

Corunna taken by English (1719), 381

Costume, 614

Cowper, lord chancellor (1705-1723), 212, 251, 327, 394

Craggs, secretary (1694-1721), 84, 389

Culloden (1745), 524

Cumberland, duke of (1743-1760), at Dettingen, 472; Fontenoy, 484, 507; takes Carlisle, 514; Culloden, 524; cruelties committed in Scotland, 526, 532, 540, 563

Darien scheme (1695), 9, 86, 129

Defoe (1700), 155, 240, 597

Denmark, prince of (1689-1708), 177, 250

Derwentwater, earl of (1715), 339, 351

Dettingen (1743), 472

Discoveries in physical science, 601

Domestic habits, 614

Don Carios (1734), 423

Drapier's letters, 398

Drunkenness, debates on its suppression (1736), 429

Dubois, abbé (1716), 354

Duddlestone, Sir John (1702), 177

Dundee, viscount (1689), raises the clans, 10; Killiecrankie, 12

Dutch claims (1689), 5

East India Company, 75, 117

Ecclesiastical affairs, 545

Education in Scotland provided for (1697), 111

Embargo on merchant shipping (1740), 444

Engraving in England, 612

Enniskillen besieged (1689), 16

Eugene, prince (1692-1734), ravages south of France, 59; successes in Italy, 159; joins :Marlborough in Bavaria, 195; at Blenheim, 200; campaign in Savoy, 209, 218; visits England, :290; campaigns in French Flanders, 298, 423

Excise extension (1733), 419

Falkirk (1745), 518

Fenwick, Sir John (1697), 110

Ferdinand of Brunswick (1759), 574

Fine arts in England, 608

Fletcher of Saltoun (1705), 207

Fleury, cardinal (1727), 407

Flora Macdonald (1745), 527, 530

Fontenoy (1745), 484

Forbes, Duncan (1740), 506, 526, 531

Forfeitures in England (1699), 134