Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 4.djvu/641

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I1nX)EX. 627 Manners and customs of the nation, 615 Mansfield, lord (1741), 459, 528, 549 Manufactures, 6*24 Mar, earl of (1715), 336,341 Mardyke disputes (1716), 356 Maria Theresa, empress-queen (1740), 447, 455, 480, 486 Marlborough, duke of (168S-1721), intrigues, 2 ; captures Cork and Kinsale, 4'2 ; commands in Flanders and manceuvres against Luxemburg, 47; dismissed from all his offices, 54 ; his treason- able conduct, 80 ; commands in Holland, 158 ; appointed captain- general of England, 171 ; takes Liege, 176; narrow escape from being taken prisoner, 176; honours conferred on him, 179; transfers the war to Germany, 194 ; unites with prince Eugene of Savoy, the Imperialist generalissimo, 195 ; obtains victories of Shellenberg and Blenheim, 200 ; created a prince of the Germanic empire, 202 ; continues the war in Flanders, and manfcuvres on the field of Waterloo, 208 ; victory of Ramillies, 215 ; visits Charles XII. of Sweden, 230 ; victory of Malplaquet, 260 ; great unpopularity in England, 273 ; speech in parliament in defence of his conduct, 286 ; loses the favour of- the queen, and is dismissed from all his offices, 287 ; retires to the conti- nent in disgrace, 303 ; return to England, 324 ; made com- mander-in-chief, 327; death, 392 Marlborough, duchessof (1688-1714), power over the queen, 54 ; her rapacity, 178 ; loss of royal favour, 241 ; insolence to the queen, 251 ; deprived of her court offices, 274 ; death, 482 Mary, queen (1688-1694), accession, 1 ; replaces her husband in government and calls out militia, 39 ; death and character, 82 Masham, Mrs. (1707), 239 Matthews, admiral (1744), 249 Maynard, Sir John (1689), 3 Melville, lord (1689), 8 Methodism, 591 Minden (1759), 574, Minorca taken by Allies (1708), 249 ; captured by the French, 556 Mohun, lord (1698-1712), 128, 300 Monmouth, earl of (1697), 110 Montcalm (1759), 573 Mens besieged and taken (1691), 4G Musical art, 602 Mutiny Bill, 5, 538 Namur captured by the French, 57 ; invested by William III., 87 Narva, battle of (1701), 159 National debt originated (1693), 68, 159, 169, 582 Progress, 579 Naturalisation Bill (1604), 76, 254 Newcastle, duke of (1740-1760), 461, 483, 531, 550, 554 Nithsdale, countess of, aids her husband's escape (1716), 351 Norris, Sir John (1710), 273, 356, 428, 446 Nottingham, carl of (1689-1716), 65, 166, 286, 317, 327, 351 Nova Scotia colonised (1749), 508 Occasional Conformity Act, 589 Oglethorpe, general (1742), 467 Orleans, tho Kogent (1715-1723), 335, 396 Ormonde, duke of (1702-1744), 176, 269, 294, 297, 323,333, 377, 479 Oudenarde, battle of (1708), 248 Painting, 608 Parliament declares itself valid, 4 ; reversal of judgments of last reign, 23 ; Triennial Bill, 83 ; attainder of pretended Prince of Wales, 166 ; first session of that of Groat Britam after tho Union, 237 ; Septennial Bill, 363; assertion of privilege, 509 Parliamentary privilege, 584 Partition treaty (1698), 123 Paterson, William (1694), 77, 86, 131 Patkull, comt (1707), 230 Peace with France (1713), 302 Pelham, Mr. (1743-1754), 476, 483, 531, 549 Pembroke, earl of (16S0), 26 Peter the Great of Russia (1697-1710), 117, 273 Peterborough, earl of (1705-1710), 209, 212, 218, 238, 273 Pitt, lord Chatham (1737-1760;, 434, 468, 483, 531, 550, 554, 560, 575 Plassey, 564 Porteus riots at Edinburgh (1736), 431 Portland, earl of (Bentinck) (10S9), 7, 94, 120, 171 Portugal joins the grand alliance (1704), 203 Pragmatic section (1726), 404 Presbyterianism established in Scotland (1690), 42 Prestonpans, battle of (1745), 500 Pretender (1707-1744), intrigues with Scotland, 237; abortive at- tempt at invasion, 243 ; at battle of Malplaquet, 260 ; reward offered by parliament for his apprehension, 327 ; issues pro- clamation, 328 ; lands in Scotland, 345 ; cowardly flight to the continent, 348 ; retreat to Avignon at request of French court, 351 ; visit to Spain, 377 ; abortive Spanish expedition and inva- sion of Englami, 377 ; declares prince Charles his regent, 478 Prince Charles, tho Chevalier (1744-1748), abortive attempt at invasion, 478 ; lands in Scotland, 488 ; rising of the clans, 490 ; public enthusiasm in his favour, 492 ; Cope's retreat, 493 ; enters Edinburgh, 497 ; battle of Prestonpans, 500 ; foray into England, 504 ; capture of (Carlisle, 508 ; of Manchester, 509 ; retreat from Derby, 513 ; battle of Falkirk, 518 ; retreat into Highlands, 520 ; defeat at CuUoden, 52-4 ; takes refuge in the Hebrides, 526 ; escapes to France, 528 ; sent out of France, 537 i after life, 538 Prince of Wales (1737-1751), 432, 443, 477, 540 Prior, Matthew (1711), 282, 333 Privileges asserted by j:)arliament (1751), 539 of ambassadors secured by parliament (1709), 257 Prosecution of press by ministers (1714), 310 Protestants, naturalisation of foreign (1709), 254 Public prisons, in'iuiry into condition of (1731), 417 Pulteaey, earl of Bath (1714-1744), 327, 419, 434, 462, 47G Quadruple Alliance (1718), 371 Quaker affirmation rendered valid by Act cf Parliament (1702), 167 harangue before Commons (1754), 549 Quebec expedition fails (1711), 279 Quebec captured, 573 Queen Anne's bounty (1704), 191 Ramillies (1706), 215 Rebellion of 1715 : earl of Mar erects the Pretender's standard, 336 ; proclamation in England by earl of Derwentwater, 340 ; rout of Preston, 341 ; battle of Sheriffmuir and landing of Pretender, 346 ; retreat into Highlands and dispersion of the insurgents 350 Rebellion of 1745 : the Chevalier lands in Scotland, 48S ; Lochiel raises the clans, 490 ; the Chevalier enters Edinburgh, 497 ; Prestonpans, 500 ; entry into and retreat from England, 513 ; Falkirk, 518 ; defeat of Culloden, 524 : escape of Chevalier and dispersion of the insurgents, 5'28 ; execution of chiefs, Balma- rino, Kilmarnock, and Lovat, 530 ; pacification, 532 Reform of Calendar (1751), 542 Regency Bill (1751), 540 Religion, state of, 585, 593 Revenue of tho nation, 583 Richelieu, duke of (1756), ^5i) RobBoy (1715), 34-4 j, Rochester, eari of (1703), 180, 280 Rochfort assailed by English, 563 : battle of, 563 Rooke, Sir George (1692), 64, 72, 138, 176, '203 Rosbach, battle of, 563 Russell, admiral (1689), 62, 64, 81, 128 Russian ambassador arrested for debt in London (1709), 257 Ryswick, treaty of (1697), 113 Sarsfield(1661), 51 Sacheverel, Dr. (1709), political preaching. 260 ; trial by parlia- ment, 263 ; riots, 266 ; sentence, 268, 306 Sackville, lord George (17.59), 574 Sancroft, archbishop (16S9), 2i>. 47 Sardinia taken by allies, 249 ; by Spain, 370