Page:Cassells' Carpentry and Joinery.djvu/13

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Cassell's Carpentry and Joinery is a practical work on practical handicrafts, and it is published in the confident belief that it is by far the most exhaustive book on these subjects hitherto produced. Throughout this book actual practice is recorded; mere discussion of theory has been excluded, except where it is essential in explaining the principles underlying a method, a process, or the action of a tool. The tools and processes described are those commonly found in daily use in the workshop. The expert and well-informed reader will of course make due allowance for the great diversities of trade practice in different localities.

Much of the matter appearing in these pages has been written and illustrated by eminent authorities such as Mr. C. W. D. Boxall, Prof. Henry Adams, Mr. F. W. Loasby, and several other well-known practical contributors to "Building World." The names of these experts are a guarantee of competency and thoroughness.

Students preparing for examinations in which Carpentry and Joinery are involved will welcome this as a text book of the utmost value and importance; and its intensely practical character—in every possible instance the information is imparted by investigating, describing, and illustrating cases that have occurred in actual experience—renders the work extremely useful as a guide to everyday practice, as the volume includes virtually everything that relates to the materials, processes, principles, and practice of Carpentry and Joinery.

The comprehensive scope of the work is evident from a glance at the list of contents. Each of the various sections is dealt with in exhaustive detail, some of the sections extending to nearly 100 pages ; and the studiously plain language used throughout the book is further assisted by the use of skilfully drawn diagrams, which are supplemented by twelve full-page coloured plates.

P. N. Hasluck.