Page:Cassells' Carpentry and Joinery.djvu/88

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rooms, and well-hole for staircase for a dwelling-house, 34 ft. from front to back, and 20 ft. wide in the clear; it shows also the trimming for two 6-ft. chimney-breasts in flank-wall, and for well-hole at opposite flank next the back wall. The well-hole is 7 ft. wide and 12 ft. long. The floor is constructed to carry two framed partitions, one 18 ft. from, and parallel to, the front wall, and the other extending from this partition to the back wall along the well-hole. The middle bearing is required to be under the

Fig. 316.—View of Tusk Tenon and Keyed Joint to Trimmers and Joists.

Fig. 317.—Herringbone Strutting.

Fig. 318.

Fig. 319.

Figs. 318 and 319.—Alternative Methods of Halving Joists on Partition Head.