Page:Castelvines y Monteses Translated.pdf/18

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and a very traitorous rendering of the original, I have attempted a more faithful translation of the complete play.

To those interested in Shakespeariana it may be of value to note how two great contemporary dramatists treated the same story for the stage. It is to be regretted that the work has not been undertaken by other than an amateur hand, being worthy a better fate, but unfortunately the fact remains that it could never prove commercially profitable to a competent translator or publisher. I have chosen the best available text, that of Don Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch, a most carefully collated edition, and published by Rivadeneyra in his Biblioteca de Autores Españoles, Madrid, 1860.

F. W. C.

Thornton Road,
Clapham Park,
March, 1869.


At foot of page 29, for "here the MS. is illegible," read "some lines are wanting."

At page 33, line 13, for "now" read "not."