Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 2.djvu/256

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Crossed swords and pistols.
Dancing-girl playing with cobras.
Floral devices.
Flowers in pot.
Hands joined in centre of a heart.
Hands joined, and clasping a flower.
Heart and cross.
Initials of the individual, his friends, relatives, and inamorata, sometimes within a heart or laurel wreath.
Mercy (word on left breast).
Portraits of the man and his lady-love.
Queen Alexandra.
Royal arms and banners.
Sailing boat.
Solomon's seal.
Steam boat.
Svastika (Buddhist emblem).
Watteau shepherdess.

The most elaborate patterns were executed by Burmese tattooers. The initials of the individual's Christian and surnames, which preponderated over other devices, were, as a rule, in Roman, but occasionally in Tamil characters.

In colour the Eurasians afford examples of the entire colour scale, through sundry shades of brown and yellow, to pale white, and even florid or rosy. The pilous or hairy system was, in the cases recorded by me, uniformly black. The colour of the iris, like that of the skin, is liable to great variation, from lustrous black to light, with a predominance of dark tints. Blue was observed only in a solitary instance.