Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 2.djvu/31

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Census Report, 1901, that Sāraswat Brāhmans will eat with them. Choutagāra has been recorded as a corrupt form of Chaptēgāra.

Charamurti.— A class of Jangams, who go from village to village preaching.

Chārōdi.— The Chārōdis have been described * [1]as " Canarese carpenters corresponding to the Konkani Cheptēgāras (or Chaptēgāras), and there is very little difference in the customs and manners of the two castes, except that the former employ Shivalli and Konkanashta Brāhmans instead of Karādis. Their title is Naika." In the Madras Census Report, 1901, Mēsta is returned as a Konkani-speaking sub-caste of Chārōdi.

Chātla (winnow). — An exogamous sept of Mādiga. Chātla Dhompti occurs as a sub-division of Mādigas,who, at marriages, place the offering of food, etc.(dhompti), in a winnow.

Chatri.— Recorded, in the Madras Census Report, 1901, as an equivalent of Kshatriya. It occurs also as the name of an exogamous sept, meaning umbrella, of the Holeyas.

Chaturākshari. — A sub-division of Sātānis, who believe in the efficacy of the four syllables Rā-mā-nu-ja.

Chaudari.— Chaudari, or Chowdari, is recorded as a title of Haddi, Kālingi, and Kōmati.

Chāya (colour) Kurup. — A class of Kollans in Malabar, who work in lacquer.

Chēli (goat). — An exogamous sept of Bottada and Mattiya.

Chēlu (scorpion). — An exogamous sept of Kuruba. The equivalent thelu occurs among the Padma Sālēs.

  1. * Manual of the South Canara district.